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Legend (rmms_full)

Wetland CTAP Monitoring Sites (0)
Forest Forest
Grassland Grassland
Stream Stream
Wetland Wetland
Water Monitoring Stations - USGS (1)
IEMA Tier2 Chemicals (2)
IEPA Coal Ash Ponds (3)
Corps Mitigation Banks (4)
Approved Approved
Sold Out Sold Out
Suspended Suspended
RiverWatch (5)
IDA Well Decommissioning Program (6)
IDA Conservation Practices Program (7)
Water Quality Monitoring Stations (8)
IEPA Success Stories (10)
IEPA NPDES Outfalls (12)
Community Water Supply - Wells (13)
Community Water Supply - Intakes (14)
Potential NPS BMPs (15)
Towns (Points) (16)
ISGS Well Data 2012 (17)
IEPA Lakes Program (18)
Approved Approved
Completed Completed
ZCTP (Zipcode pts) (19)
Land Fills (20)
Cemeteries (21)
IDNR C2000 Projects (22)
IEPA IGIG Program (23)
IEPA NPS Program (319) (25)
Approved Approved
Completed Completed
Other NPS BMPs (26)
305b Streams 2016 - Full Support of Assessed Uses (27)
303d Segments/Causes Removed in 2016 - Streams (28)
Segments for Enhanced Dissolved Oxygen Protection (29)
305b Streams 2016 - NPS Only Impaired (30)
303d Streams - 2016 (31)
305b Streams 2016 (32)
305b Lake Michigan Shore (33)
Illinois Community College Boundaries - 2013 (34)
305b Lakes 2016 - Full Support of Assessed Uses (35)
303d Segments/Causes Removed in 2016 - Lakes (36)
305b Lakes 2016 - NPS Only Impaired (37)
303d Lakes - 2016 (38)
305b Lakes 2016 (Polygons) (39)
IEPA Priority Streams for Protection (40)
Railroads (41)
NHD Streams (42)
Interstates - 2010 (43)
Streets and Roads 2010 (44)
FEMA Floodzone Elevation (45)
Biological Stream Diversity (46)
Biological Stream Integrity (47)
Biological Stream Significance (48)
IEPA AUID Streams with TMDLs - Approved TMDLs (49)
IEPA AUID Streams with TMDLs - Ongoing TMDLs (50)
IEPA Priority Watersheds Nutrient Loss Reduction (51)
Keep it for the Crop Keep it for the Crop
Non-point Sources - Nitrate Non-point Sources - Nitrate
Non-point Sources - Phosphorus Non-point Sources - Phosphorus
Point Sources - Nitrate and Phosphorus Point Sources - Nitrate and Phosphorus
IDNR Natural Divisions (52)
Coastal Plain Coastal Plain
Grand Prairie Grand Prairie
Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Areas Illinois River and Mississippi River Sand Areas
Lake Michigan Lake Michigan
Lower Mississippi River Bottomlands Lower Mississippi River Bottomlands
Middle Mississippi River Border Middle Mississippi River Border
Northeastern Morainal Northeastern Morainal
Ozarks Ozarks
Rock River Hill Country Rock River Hill Country
Shawnee Hills Shawnee Hills
Southern Till Plain Southern Till Plain
Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River Bottomlands Upper Mississippi River and Illinois River Bottomlands
Wabash River Border Wabash River Border
Western Forest-Prairie Western Forest-Prairie
Wisconsin Driftless Wisconsin Driftless
IDNR Conservation Opportunity Areas (53)
Apple River Apple River
Cache River - Cypress Creek Cache River - Cypress Creek
Coon Creek - Kishwaukee River - Crow's Foot Marsh Coon Creek - Kishwaukee River - Crow's Foot Marsh
Eastern Shawnee Eastern Shawnee
Green River Green River
Hill Prairie Corridor - North Section Hill Prairie Corridor - North Section
Hill Prairie Corridor - South Section Hill Prairie Corridor - South Section
Illinois Beach - Chiwaukee Prairie Illinois Beach - Chiwaukee Prairie
Kanakakee Sands - Kankakee River - Momence Wetlands - Pembroke Savanna Kanakakee Sands - Kankakee River - Momence Wetlands - Pembroke Savanna
LaRue - Pine Hills - Western Shawnee - Trail of Tears LaRue - Pine Hills - Western Shawnee - Trail of Tears
Lake McHenry Wetland Complex Lake McHenry Wetland Complex
Lost Mound - Hanover Bluff - Mississippi Palisades Lost Mound - Hanover Bluff - Mississippi Palisades
Lower Fox River Lower Fox River
Lower Kaskaskia Bottomlands Lower Kaskaskia Bottomlands
Lower LaMoine River Lower LaMoine River
Mason County Sand Areas Mason County Sand Areas
Middle Illinois River - Meredosia to DePue Middle Illinois River - Meredosia to DePue
Middle Little Wabash Middle Little Wabash
Middle Mississippi River Middle Mississippi River
Midewin - Des Plaines - Goose Lake Prairie Midewin - Des Plaines - Goose Lake Prairie
Nachusa - Franklin Creek - Castle Rock - Lowden Miller Nachusa - Franklin Creek - Castle Rock - Lowden Miller
Pere Marquette Pere Marquette
Prairie Ridge Landscape Prairie Ridge Landscape
Pyramid - Arkland Landscape Pyramid - Arkland Landscape
Rock River Rock River
Siloam Springs Siloam Springs
Sinkhole Plain Sinkhole Plain
Sugar - Pecatonica River Sugar - Pecatonica River
Upper Des Plaines River Corridor Upper Des Plaines River Corridor
Upper Mississippi River Upper Mississippi River
Vermilion River (Middle Fork, North Fork & Salt Fork) & Little Vermilion R* Vermilion River (Middle Fork, North Fork & Salt Fork) & Little Vermilion R*
Wabash River, Floodplain & Backwater Ponds Wabash River, Floodplain & Backwater Ponds
Wisconsin Driftless Forest Wisconsin Driftless Forest
IEPA AUID Lakes with TMDLs - Ongoing TMDLs (54)
IEPA AUID Lakes with TMDLs - Approved TMDLs (55)
IEPA Watershed Plans (56)
IDOT Mitigation Banks and Sites (57)
Mitigation Bank Mitigation Bank
Mitigation Site Mitigation Site
IDNR Coastal Management Program (58)
IDNR Millennium Reserve Calumet Core (59)
IDNR Millennium Reserve Expansion (60)
Conservation Easements - NCED (61)
IEPA Priority Lakes for Protection (62)
IEPA Priority Watersheds for NPS Implementation (63)
2019 2019
2020 2020
2021 2021
2022 2022
2023 2023
IEPA Priority Watersheds for NPS Planning (64)
2019 2019
2020 2020
2021 2021
2022 2022
2023 2023
Wetlands Hydrography - 1987 (65)
IDNR Properties (66)
CWS Regulated Recharge Areas (67)
CWS Lake Michigan Critical Assessment Zone (68)
CWS Lake Supply Watersheds (69)
Community Water Supply Lakes (70)
CWS River Supply Zone 1 Protection Area (71)
CWS Phase II Wellhead Protection Area (72)
Towns (Boundaries) (73)
Federal Lands - USGS (74)
Congressional Districts - 113 (75)
PLSS Townships (76)
US Army CORPS Districts (77)
IDNR C2000 Partnerships (78)
Counties (79)
Watersheds - High Value (80)
Watersheds - 12 Digit HUCS (81)
FEMA Floodzones (82)
100 100
500 500
State Legislature - House (83)
State Legislature - Senate (84)
Watersheds - 10 Digit HUCS (85)
Watersheds - 8 Digit HUCS (86)
Soils (87)
Soils_NEWVIEW (88)
Soilsoldview (89)
PLSS (90)
Aquifer - Major Bedrock >500 ft (91)
<2,500 milligrams/liter Total Dissolved Solids <2,500 milligrams/liter Total Dissolved Solids
2,500 - 10,000 milligrams/liter Total Dissolved Solids 2,500 - 10,000 milligrams/liter Total Dissolved Solids
>10,000 milligrams/liter Total Dissolved Solids >10,000 milligrams/liter Total Dissolved Solids
Aquifer - Major Bedrock < 300 ft (92)
Major Bedrock Aquifer Present Major Bedrock Aquifer Present
Aquifer - Major Bedrock <500 ft (93)
Major Bedrock Aquifer Present Major Bedrock Aquifer Present
Aquifer - Major Sand and Gravel (94)
Major Sand and Gravel Aquifer Present Major Sand and Gravel Aquifer Present
Aquifer - Potential <50 ft (95)
Potential Aquifer Present Potential Aquifer Present
Bedrock - 2005 (96)
County Lands (97)
Drift Thickness (98)
no drift no drift
< 25 < 25
25 - 50 25 - 50
50 - 100 50 - 100
100 - 200 100 - 200
200 - 300 200 - 300
300 - 400 300 - 400
400 - 500 400 - 500
Flood Zones-Unincorporated Areas-1980s (99)
<all other values> <all other values>
0 0
100 100
500 500
NHD Lakes and Ponds (100)
National Wetland Inventory 2018 (101)
Freshwater Emergent Wetland Freshwater Emergent Wetland
Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland
Freshwater Pond Freshwater Pond
Lake Lake
Riverine Riverine
Other Other
Townships (MCD) (102)
Lakes and Rivers - 1987 Wetlands Inventory (103)
IDOT Prairie Inventory (104)
Watersheds - TMDL (105)
ZCTA Boundaries (106)
CREP Regions (107)
Kaskaskia River Kaskaskia River
Illinois River Illinois River